MUR International Project EuBI (Euro-BioImaging)
Euro-BioImaging is the European landmarkresearch infrastructure for biological and biomedical imaging, recognized as an ERIC, in the framework of European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). Euro-BioImaging allows researchers in the life science to access imaging facilities with training opportunities and data management services they might not find at their home institutions. All scientists can benefit from these pan-European open access services, which are provided with high quality standards by leading imaging facilities.
The Euro-BioImaging infrastructure is coordinated by a Hub and offers its services via 33 internationally recognized imaging facilities called Nodes, which are located across 14 countries. The Euro-BioImaging Hub structure consists of Finland (Turku) as the headquarters, EMBL as the community-specific section for biological imaging and Italy (University of Torino) as the community-specific section for biomedical imaging.
Euro-BioImaging was granted the legal status of an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) on 29 Oct 2019, and Euro-BioImaging became fully operational in December 2019.
Other Italian public research institutions involved
Besides Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), and University of Torino, several other Institutions are appointed as Italian “nodes” candidates of EuBi.The updated list of available imaging facilities and offered technologies can be found at:
Other organizations and stakeholders involved
Several University and Research institutions are involved in EuBi, representing imaging Nodes of all participating countries. For more details on hosting Institutions inside the Euro-BioImaging Node Candidates, view the related document.Strategic objectives
- To provide access, services and training to state-of-the-art imaging technologies for all life scientists in Europe and beyond
- To foster the liaison and cooperation of all its stakeholders (including scientists, industry, national and European authorities)